Wednesday 6 June 2018

Love Letter to My Heart 💖

Dear heart,

I hear you. And I feel your desire.

I hear you feel a soul calling to another and I honour that your wisdom is greater than mine.

Maybe the time will come to journey with this being.

And maybe it won't.

Maybe the opening we feel is a preparation for a next step...

As yet unknown...

Dear heart, I love us far too deeply to diminish our worth by stoking a fire another feels not to tend.

You are far too beautiful, heart, and far too valuable, to waste energy not reciprocated.

I love you, heart!

Let Me be your love.

Let Me hold you... cherish you... fulfil you.

Feel the wholeness that we are, heart.

The completeness.

The fullness.

And stay open, dear heart! Love generously... abundantly... courageously.

I've got you.

I'm holding you.

I'm loving you.

Feel Me, dear heart... feel Me loving you.

You Are Enough.

And we will not settle.

- Natalie Ford, 11/6/18