Tuesday 25 December 2018

Not Being Able To Feel My Pain

When I felt hurt or stressed, I used to be a "fireball" ...someone who would "spit fire" and emotionally "burn" anyone in my way.

I would push people away, blame them, shame them, make them wrong...all so I didn't have to feel my pain.

I would raise my voice, exhibit aggressive energy and create big fat energetic barriers around me to stop any more pain coming in. It was all I could do to survive.

You see, I wasn't taught about expressing emotions responsibly as a child (very few of us were!) and the adult models in my life were not taught those things either, so we all pushed emotions down or away and did our best not to feel.

Unfortunately, with this model of (lack of) emotional hygiene, when big things happen to us, we push them down and hold them in and try to pretend that we're ok.. but we're not.

Holding in the emotions of every time we got hurt or something bad happened, creates chaos in our body. We become like a volcano ready to erupt.

I was already holding so much pushed-down hurt inside, that every time I made a mistake or feared I was wrong, the pain was too great and I had to push it away...make someone else wrong, blame them or get angry. I just didn't have capacity to feel any more hurt. So... I became a fireball.

Life as a fireball isn't fun. Constantly trying to put out fires and clear up the mess. I wrecked a lot of friendships and relationships. And I hated myself as a result.

If you recognise similar behaviours in yourself, there is hope..!

I am no longer a fireball 😊 I learned to feel my emotions, express myself and to develop "healthy" emotional hygiene habits...a bit like brushing your teeth for oral hygiene, I now practise emotional release for emotional hygiene.

I teach these and other skills in my one-to-one sessions. They help you feel healthier, happier and more fulfilled in life. My passion is to empower you to live the fullest, more amazing life you can have!

If you'd like to book in with me, I'm offering 20% off packages paid for by 31st December.

If you're serious about making positive change, message me 💕